woensdag 5 januari 2011

Focus of child destroyed, when child no longer on displaylist....

Ok, so what happens is the following:

I have a container movie, which loads a splash page.
The container movie has a key-listener, this works from the first moment the movie is executed.

The splash page receives a click.. (I guess it gets keyboard focus then instead of the stage.., but the stage still receives key-events, because it's child has focus..)
Now the splash page is removed from the displayList in order to load a new page (the game)
Then keyboard focus is lost, the moment the MovieClip which had the focus at that point is removed.
So now the stage does no longer get Key Events!!

If I leave the page on the displayList, the stage continues to get Keyboard events.

I don't know what the logic is, yet, or if it is a bug, but this is definitely what happens..

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