woensdag 5 januari 2011

CS5 project window..

not only was I programming in as2, I was using CS3. Well, no more..
We have bought the total complete master version of CS5..
So I have now installed it, to be totally up to date, but what's this:
THEY HAVE STOLEN MY PROJECT WINDOW, that I loved in CS3 professional.
I was making a *.flp for every project I did.
Especially in as3, using all these classes, it allowed me to create a logical structure and keep things togeter, like this:

I want my project window back the way is was. Now it just copies my hard disk.. We have a little thing called Explorer, that does that (and better)..
I cannot even open my old *.flp's, never heard of backward-compatibility, or did you think: well we didn't giv'm any backward compatibility on as3-as2, and nobody protested, so why not bugger all?

I cannot think why anyone would consider this an improvement. Anyone....?

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